• info@medelhealthcare.com
  • 01 4370630

Year: 2024

The Importance of Early Detection in Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

____________________________ In the fast-paced world we live in, it is easy to overlook the subtle signs our bodies give us when something is amiss. However, early detection of health issues through

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Medel Healthcare Launches Blood Testing and Health Screening Clinic in Dublin 2

Medel Healthcare is proud to announce the opening of a new Blood Testing and Health Screening clinic at 26 Clare Street, Dublin 2. This new facility will be open on Wednesdays,

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Prioritise Your Joint Health: Comprehensive Arthritis/Joint Health Screening

____________________________ Joint health is essential for maintaining mobility and a good quality of life. As we age, our joints can become more susceptible to various conditions, including arthritis. To ensure that

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The Connection Between Athlete Wellness & Success on the Field: A Path to Peak Performance

____________________________ When it comes to achieving success on the field, many factors play a role—talent, skill, teamwork, and strategy, to name a few. However, one critical aspect that often goes under-appreciated

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The Importance of Health Screenings for Female Athletes: A Path to Wellness and Performance

____________________________ In the world of sports, the focus is often on performance, training, and competition. However, health and wellness should never take a backseat. For female athletes, regular health screenings play

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Four sets of brothers help Anne’s to win in Páidí Ó Sé tournament

Check it out. Four sets of brothers help Anne’s to win in Páidí Ó Sé tournament

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